

Yesterday I made a tumblr account. I love it! I'm already addicted, haha! So here it is: http://feelyourlovee.tumblr.com

Do you have tumblr too?



Cause baby you're a firework

New oldskool vans, outfit & braid.



Bus stop bakery!

Did you already hear about bus stop bakery? It's a new thing in Holland, a 'studentcompany'. A cooperation with a few students from Fontys Academy for Creative Industries and master-cook Rudolph van Veen. 
My best friend and some people I know are the students that have found this, and I think it's great!
A very big, pink bus is touring around in Holland and sells delicious cupcakes on festivals and more!

It's sooo cute, look at the pink bus! They are selling soup, coffee and non-alcoholic tea-punch too.

I haven't tasted a cupcake yet, but I think they are delicious! And they're looking very cute too. Watch this! 

Choc & roll

The King

Marshmellow fluff

And what do you think? Pretty cool, huh? :) In the first picture you see my best friend Nino on the right, together with Martine and Rudolph van Veen.

Read and see more @ the website of busstopbakery (click!)



Why don't you open up your eyes, these are more than passing glances.

Oooh i just love this weather! Yesterday I bought a new summer-coat. And it was on sale for only €15,00! Lucky me again. My dad took some pictures of me in our little garden. He did a good job! Look at my outfit:

So what do you think? Have a great day! It's almost weekend ♥




Yeah finally it's spring! I am becoming really happy of this weather. I took some pictures in our garden of my outfit.



I'd catch a grenade for you

Yesterday I made an exam and afterwards I went to my grandma in Amsterdam! I love to be there. We went shopping and there were so much clothes, jewelry, bags and more that I wanted! I bought a few things, but I think I deserved it, after making a test! And besides that, I just received my price from the lottery.
Look at my purchases!

First a necklace and matching earrings! And a (fake) leather skirt, 2 blazers and my favourite perfume. Its Calvin Klein, in2u. Normally it coasts about €65,00 but now it was on sale for only €30,00! And it is the biggest bottle there is, 150ml! Lucky me. Everything is from H&M by the way (very surprising..), except for the fragrance of course.

And I am in love with the doves-blazer! Isn't it cute? :)
Have a nice weekend!

P.S. There's a really cool giveaway on http://fashialert.blogspot.com/ ! Check it out!



Hold on, if you feel like letting go.

Vest; zara

Shirt; H&M
Pants; H&M
Shoes; Vans (btw, they're really filthy.. haha)

I want to have better photos! But there's never someone that can help me. And my sister is only ten years old en really short, so that doesn't work either.. But I think this pictures are better than my mirror-pictures!

And this is what i'm wearing today! What do you think of the pants? I just bought it last week! But I have to go now, I have a dentist appointment! And than I have to study very much, I got an exam to make this thursday.
Have a nice week!

P.S. Rachella has a really cool give-away on her blog http://theonlyfashionprincess.blogspot.com/ ! You can participate untill tomorrow!



Floral dress

Tonight I'm going to the cinema together with my mum! We're going to a dutch movie, called Gooische Vrouwen. I've watched the whole serie on tv and I really want to see the movie tonight! I'm wearing this:

I'm hoping the movie is as good as the series! For the dutch people: did you watch Gooische vrouwen? :)



Carnaval 2011

Sorry for the lack of posting, but I was celebrating carnaval from thursday till yesterdaynight! So that was a lot of partying the last days. I stayed at my best friends house, because her mother was on a short vacation. 
It's a pity that I don't have some party pictures, but I didn't dare to bring my camera because it will become broken and sticky because of all the alcohol haha. 
I was dressed like a sailor! Look at my costume;

Update: i did find a picture of me and my best friend! He's looking really funny haha =)

Yeah! What do you think? Pretty cool huh ;-). I really like sailor style, here some inspiration pictures from weheartit!

For the dutch people; did you celebrate carnaval? what was your costume? :-)
